Terms & Conditions
Alloa Gymnastics club or any of their staff are not responsible for any loss or injury during the session.
Alloa Gymnastics Club reserves the right to remove from our programme, without refund, anyone who is found to be bullying, misbehaving or displaying disruptive behaviour. Our coaches have the right to move children from classes they are not progressing in at any time.
You must declare all medical conditions during registration and keep us up-to-date should this change by emailing/calling us at - info@alloagymnasticsclub.co.uk
Your booking is not confirmed until payment has been received. Paid spaces will be given priority. If you miss payments we have the right to remove your child's space in the class. If you are having difficulty paying please email us in advance and arrange a plan for payment.
You must refrain from bringing your child to class if they have had any form of illness within 48 hours of the class. If your child is going to have a period of absence please let us know otherwise we may assume they have left and re-allocate their space.
We don't issue refunds for missed sessions due to your own circumstances
All holidays are accounted for in the fee structure so your payments will continue as normal during the holidays.
If you decide to leave the club we ask you to give us one months notice, if you decide to leave before the month is up you will still be charged for the remainder of the month.